Scott and Briana have been working with the Navigators for over 10 years reaching young people for Jesus, first at Oregon State then at the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands. Their two daughters, Naomi (3) and Nola (1) were born in Amsterdam. As a family, they feel called to go to the places where the Gospel has been forgotten. They work one-on-one to disciple young men and women toward a deeper sense of faith in Jesus, many for the first time.
While in Amsterdam, they sought to create a group for those who would never step foot in a Church, much less a "Navigator Bible Study". So they created "The Gathering": a once a week event hosted in their home that included "dinner, drinks, and a discussion." They explored topics such as bitterness, thanksgiving, forgiveness, and loneliness with a group that was often more non Christians than Christians. Scott would also aire these types of conversations on his podcast, called Between Two Worlds, where he would interview his improv friends about their spirituality.
They are now back in Corvallis, Oregon for a 6 month long sabbatical offered by the Navigators to help their staff recoup, refresh, and re-find their sense of calling for the next assignment God has for them. This has provided Scott and Briana a much needed chance to slow down, draw near to God and seek His will for their next assignment. They are open to going back overseas but waiting to see what He will reveal.