John and Beth

John and Beth married in August of 2007. They attended Cornerstone School of Ministry in 2008-2009. In 2010, they attended a Discipleship Training School (DTS) with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) in Colorado. They served with YWAM full time until 2020, and continue to serve on a part time basis. John continues to do administrative projects for the campus. Beth has retired from her midwifery work in overseas locations, yet continues to provide training and pastoral care to midwives and student midwives, who are affecting maternal child health in the US and abroad. Beth is also involved with intercessory prayer, to see Jesus glorified throughout our nation, and across the globe.


Sharon attended Calvary services when the church was still meeting at Crescent Valley High School.  Her parents came to faith through China Inland Mission and she was dedicated to the Lord when she was a baby. When she was 14, she was called to serve her people. In her first seven years in missionary work, Sharon and her late husband spent together serving Chinese churches in Japan. God’s mercy not only strengthened her, turning her around to follow His calling, and igniting her with a new heart of love to serve her people again.
Sharon and her husband, Jerry, are pressing on for God’s plan for them. They are serving internationals in Corvallis, and under the lead of the International Training Alliance. ITA trains young church leaders among Chinese diaspora in Brisbane, Australia. 

Scott and Briana

Scott and Briana have been working with the Navigators for over 10 years reaching young people for Jesus, first at Oregon State then at the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands.  Their two daughters, Naomi (3) and Nola (1) were born in Amsterdam. As a family, they feel called to go to the places where the Gospel has been forgotten. They work one-on-one to disciple young men and women toward a deeper sense of faith in Jesus, many for the first time.
While in Amsterdam, they sought to create a group for those who would never step foot in a Church, much less a "Navigator Bible Study". So they created "The Gathering": a once a week event hosted in their home that included "dinner, drinks, and a discussion." They explored topics such as bitterness, thanksgiving, forgiveness, and loneliness with a group that was often more non Christians than Christians. Scott would also aire these types of conversations on his podcast, called Between Two Worlds, where he would interview his improv friends about their spirituality.
They are now back in Corvallis, Oregon for a 6 month long sabbatical offered by the Navigators to help their staff recoup, refresh, and re-find their sense of calling for the next assignment God has for them. This has provided Scott and Briana a much needed chance to slow down, draw near to God and seek His will for their next assignment. They are open to going back overseas but waiting to see what He will reveal.


Alise is serving with Campus Crusade (Cru) in Orlando, Florida.
This school year definitely looks much different than normal. Most of their students have chosen virtual school, but a few are attending face-to-face classes.  Because the students are online all day for classes, her team is trying to do fewer things virtually and instead they are trying to focus this year doing more small groups.  Alise and her team are going to learn how to do "small things well", and just trust that God may be using less to accomplish even more. They have more Bible studies and one-on-one groups, and they're excited to use those to grow more in deeper relationships with the students and to train them in relational evangelism and how to intentionally pursue their friends with the love of Christ, since CRU can't do big outreaches anymore. We have a couple of socially distanced outdoors events planned - a city wide (for all the HS campuses in Orlando with Cru) worship night, and a prayer experience. 


Pat is the Multi-Area Director (of the Willamette Valley) for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) in Oregon.  His role is to recruit workers for FCA so that together they can “see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes."  Pat has hired two additional staff for the Willamette Valley since beginning full-time in January of 2021.
He has been married to his beautiful wife, Susan, for 44 years. They've hosted and led Bible studies in their home with church groups and athletes.  Pat and Susan host one of Calvary's house churches.
Pat recently finished a 42-year coaching and teaching career (seventeen in high school and twenty-five in college). The Lord has been at the center of all the success he had as a teacher and as a coach. From being the Head Coach at West Linn High School and participating in the 1995 State Championship Game, to winning National Championships in 2004 as Head Coach at George Fox University, and in 2018 as Associate Head Coach at Oregon State University, he gives all glory and all credit to his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Andy and Monica Alvarez

Since July of 2001, Andy and his wife, Monica, have been serving full time as missionaries at Mixteco Christian Fellowship (MCF) located in Ensenada. They have been blessed beyond measure to be a small part of some of what God is doing in the small body of believers there.

By God's grace, the ministry of MCF is an ongoing work that has been ongoing through various people for years now. There are various projects that are also ongoing and or yearly. Our youth and families go down to serve with the Alvarez's every year.

Creative Access

Due to the sensitive nature of their work, some of our international workers have limited information available, and their contact is not listed. If you would like more information about them, please contact our Missions Leadership Team. 


S grew up in Corvallis. God used the Calvary Corvallis high school ministry to put a love in her heart for the Lord and His word. S felt God leading her to help provide His word to people who don’t have it yet. After graduating from OSU, she attended Cornerstone School of Ministry where God further equipped her and continued to confirm this direction for her life.

I Family

They were sent out by our church body in 2013 to join the Guild training network in Little Arabia (located in Southern California). They serve as team leaders of a pioneer church planting team within the Arab Muslim community. In addition to working full-time and raising their girls in the community, they are learning Arabic language and culture and building meaningful relationships with their Muslim neighbors. They and their team long to see Muslim families and individuals falling in love with Jesus, enjoying the blessings of his kingdom, and transforming their communities for the glory of God here and abroad.

Serving Internationally with Calvary Corvallis

If you are interested in being sent out by Calvary Corvallis, please view the resources below.